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Contact Justin

Justin Iske, Director

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

“Being involved in team sports starting at age 6 taught me the values of teamwork and hard work. Also taught me to give credit to others when we win and take accountability when we lose. We win as a team and we lose as individuals.”

Justin’s Disclosures

Married my best friend, Kelley, in 2019. Our only son, Hunter, is in his early 20’s.

Filed taxes in five separate states in one calendar year.

Published a non-fiction book in 2017.

In my 20’s, had three different facebook accounts.


Technical Experience

  • Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
  • Magna cum laude (undergrad)
  • University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1999 – Bahcelor of General Studies (BGS), emphasis in Mathematics
  • University of Nebraska, 2001 – Maters in Public Administration (MPA), emphasis in Public Management
How do you relate to the Bland mission statement?

Being a team player was instilled at an early age. If something is worth being done, its worth being done right (passion / commitment).

What’s your definition of excellent client service?

Knowing what the client needs/wants before they tell you.

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