Bland provides solutions for the health care industry.
Our experience with reimbursement issues and operations allows us to assist you develop systems to capture all the third-party reimbursement and revenue that you are entitled. Bland’s team members have over 25 years of experience serving the healthcare industry.

Working with Bland Helps You With:
reimbursement rate analysis & strategies
cost report preparation
We have experience working with medical practices, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, independent living facilities, and continuing care retirement communities. It is important that the firm you choose has a comprehensive understanding of State Medicaid and Medicare regulations. We can help you develop strategies to meet your specific budget, goals or objectives.
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Reimbursement is a very important aspect of a provider operating in today’s environment.
Our approach is to assist you with developing systems’ flexibility to meet the new demands of the industry. We will work with you to give you our perspective on the issues that matter to you the most.
Health care providers are operating in an ever-changing environment. That is where Bland comes into play. Our many years of healthcare experience will assist and guide you in gaining a better understanding of the operational and financial environment. Whether it is a financial statement or reimbursement issue, our team will work with you to resolve the issue and determine the best plan of action.
We provide analysis along with the cost report that can be a great tool. Our team understands the cost report allocation issues that many providers face in the preparation of the cost reports. The allocation issues can be a very critical aspect of determining the reimbursement rate and affect the bottom line. The analysis gives you the ability to see the big picture from a cost report and reimbursement perspective. As an additional service, we can also compare you to your peers based on the cost report.
- reimbursement rate analysis & strategies
- cost report preparation
- benchmarking
- operational analysis & consulting
- revenue enhancement
- fixed assets needs assessment
- accounts receivable management
- strategic planning & budgeting
- financial analysis
- tax return planning & preparation
- financial feasibility studies
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Designations & Associations
AICPA NFP Certificate II
The Not-for-Profit Certificate II offers a comprehensive, foundational overview of a non-profit’s unique financial needs. -
Certified Healthcare Financial Professional
The new Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP), a certification from the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), is geared toward financial professionals, clinical and nonclinical leaders, and payers – all those whose jobs require a deep understanding of the new financial realities of health care. The designation is achieved through successful completion of the HFMA’s Business of Healthcare and Operational Excellence programs. -
Nonprofit Association of the Midlands
Helps nonprofits help their communities. There are thousands of nonprofits in our area – each trying to make a difference on their own. NAM brings them together so that each member can benefit from their collective strength. -
BKR Governmental/Not-for-Profit
The BKR Governmental/Not-for-Profit Practice Group’s mission is to provide members with a forum that promotes an active exchange of ideas, enhances our networking opportunities, and improves our ability to effectively service our clients in these niche practice areas. The practice group has an annual meeting that coincides with BKR’s Americas Regional Meeting, and generally provides technical updates on current standards in accounting and auditing, as well as roundtable discussions on marketing, technology, and other practice management areas.The BKR Medical Practices and Health Care Practice Group’s mission is to share ideas and assist each other when working with clients in the health care industry. The practice group holds an annual two-day conference, which includes health care speakers and brainstorming sessions. The practice group also shares health care publications, assists each other with projects, statistics, and templates, and is available to offer practice management and advisory services to all BKR firms. Practice group members share expertise and referrals, and pool resources to create newsletters and brochures.
Leading Age Nebraska
LeadingAge Nebraska is the only state association representing the full continuum of mission-driven, non-profit providers of health care, housing, and services for older adults in Nebraska. Members of LeadingAge Nebraska provide housing and services to more than 5,000 Nebraska seniors each year. -
Leading Age Iowa
Founded in 1964, LeadingAge Iowa is the state association serving not-for-profit and mission driven organizations dedicated to providing quality housing, health, community, and related services to our state’s seniors. LeadingAge Iowa represents and promotes the common interests of its members through advocacy, education, and collaboration to enhance their ability to provide quality care and service within their community. -
Leading Age Kansas
LeadingAge Kansas is an association of nearly 160 not-for-profit aging services providers dedicated to serving the needs of aging Kansans. They advance policies and promote practices and learning that empowers our members to help seniors live fully as they age. Their members serve over 25,000 seniors in Kansas each day.